Christian Education


Rev. Thomas FitzgeraldThe Orthodox Church throughout the ages has maintained a continuity of faith and love with the apostolic community which was founded by Christ and sustained by the Holy Spirit. Orthodoxy believes that she has preserved and taught the historic Christian Faith, free from error and distortion, from the time of the Apostles. She [...]

By |2021-09-08T20:51:20-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Liturgical, Spirituality|Comments Off on TEACHINGS OFTHE ORTHODOX CHURCH

What the Holy Communion Meansto Me

Written by Right Revd. Nicholas The Sacrament of the Holy Communion means to me the intimate, unrestricted love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the dwelling and enthronement of the Lord in my heart, the union of my soul and body in my moral regeneration and salvation as a worthy communicant.I believe and feel and [...]

By |2021-09-08T20:47:05-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Liturgical|Comments Off on What the Holy Communion Meansto Me

العجائب بين الآية والسحر

عظة للمطران بولس يازجيالأحد السابع من متى: (متى 9 : 27 - 35)"فتعجّب الجموع قائلين، لم يظهر قط مثل هذا في إسرائيل،أما الفريسيون فقالوا برئيس الشياطين يخرج الشياطين"ترافقت العجائب مع تعليم يسوع، الذي ظهر أنّه يعلّم كمن له سلطان. وكانت هذه العجائب أداةً لإثبات صحّة تعليم يسوع وللكشف عن شخصه بالنبي المنتظر "المسيح"، الذي سيشفي [...]

By |2021-09-08T20:44:58-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Scripture, Spirituality|Comments Off on العجائب بين الآية والسحر

A Pastoral Word on Halloween

The Joyous Feast of Pumpkinby Bishop [now Archbishop] KyrillIt is that time of the year when the secular society in which we live is preparing for the festival of Halloween. Many do not know its spiritual roots and history, and why it contradicts the teachings of the Church. The feast of Halloween began in pre-Christian times [...]

By |2021-09-08T19:38:27-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Parish and Family Life|Comments Off on A Pastoral Word on Halloween

Why Do We Need The Church?

“When we stay within the embrace of our mother the Church, we can know that we are with our Lord.”A frequent question we hear is “Why do we need the Church?” People want to know why they must go to a particular church, attend services they may not understand, obey rules that feel constricting to [...]

By |2021-09-08T18:45:59-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Sermons, Spirituality|Comments Off on Why Do We Need The Church?

Christianity & Islam Compared

by Photios Kontoglou“Eastern peoples are more religious”, an ancient writes, wishing to say that Easterners are more religious than people in the West, in Europe. Note that East is also the Balkans together with Russia.To an Easterner feeling is more intense than reasoning, while the opposite happens with a European; and since faith regards heart and [...]

By |2021-09-08T18:28:05-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, church history|Comments Off on Christianity & Islam Compared

المناولة المقدسة والاعترافالميتروبوليت إيروثيوس فلاخوس

نقلها إلى العربية الأب أنطوان ملكيمختارات من نقاش بين طلاب أكاديمية موسكو اللاهوتية والميتروبوليت إيروثيوس فلاخوس، في لافرا القديس سرجيوس.سؤال: كمّ مرّة في السنة ينبغي أن يتناول الإنسان؟ هل الاعتراف مرتبط بالضرورة بالمناولة المقدّسة؟جواب: مطلقاً، ليست المناولة مرتبطة بالاعتراف. في الكنيسة قديماً، كان الناس يحملون نعمة الرب في داخلهم، أي كانوا في حالة من استنارة النوس وبالطبع [...]

By |2021-09-08T17:51:23-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Liturgical, Parish and Family Life|Comments Off on المناولة المقدسة والاعترافالميتروبوليت إيروثيوس فلاخوس


An Orthodox sister receives Holy Communion in the Sokolski convent near the town of Gabrovo some 200 kms. (125 miles) east of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, Thursday, April, 5, 2007. The convent is preparing for Easter as the Orthodox church celebrates the holiday on Sunday. Founded in 1834, Sokolski convent is known for its original [...]

By |2021-09-08T17:40:08-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Liturgical, Parish and Family Life|Comments Off on HOW OFTEN SHOULD ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION?

The Role of the Laity in the Orthodox Church

The word church in English is akin to German Kirche and Scottish kirk, derived ultimately from Greek kyriakos, relating to kyrios, which means “lord” or “master,” and thus the Church is an institution relating to the Lord; the equivalent word in French is église, which is derived from Latin ecclesia, from Greek ekklesia which means [...]

By |2021-09-08T17:18:14-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Miscellaneous, Parish and Family Life|Comments Off on The Role of the Laity in the Orthodox Church

ستانتية، فالأسهل هو الحديث عن

في دراسة الفروق بين الأرثوذكسية والكثلكة يسهل الحديث عن نقاط الخلاف بينهما؛ أما في دراسة الفروق بين الأرثوذكسية والبروتستانتية، فالأسهل هو الحديث عن نقاط الاتفاق المعدودة بينهما. بادئ ذي بدء، لا بد من القول إن البروتستانتية تمثّل جملة من الفرق الكنسية المنشقة عن الكنائس الرسولية (الأرثوذكسية والكاثوليكية) والتي تجمع هجيناً مختلفاً غير متجانس من التعاليم [...]

By |2021-09-08T17:11:23-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, church history|Comments Off on ستانتية، فالأسهل هو الحديث عن
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