Christian Education

The Churching of Women

Kathryn WehrA few months ago I witnessed my first “Churching” – a liturgy said for a new mother when she returns to church, usually 40 days after the birth of her child. Often it is done just before the child’s baptism. The mother waited with her infant daughter at the back door of the church, [...]

By |2021-10-30T18:28:55-07:00September 21st, 2021|Christian Education, Liturgical|Comments Off on The Churching of Women

إدخال الطفل إلى الكنيسة

درجت العادة في كنيستنا أن تأتي الأم مع طفلها بعد مرور أربعين يوما على ولادته، ليدخل معها الى الكنيسة التي رتبت خدمة لقبولهما معاً في الاحتفال الشكري. يرافق هذا الطقس بعض الاشكالات: هل هو دخول للطفل الى الكنيسة أم هو دخول الأم اليها أم هو دخول لكليهما؟ وما هو مغزى الإدخال الى الكنيسة؟في كتاب "مختصر [...]

By |2021-10-30T18:23:35-07:00September 21st, 2021|Christian Education, Liturgical|Comments Off on إدخال الطفل إلى الكنيسة

Is Orthodoxy a Religion?

by Fr. John RomanidesThis is an excerpt from the upcoming book Patristic Theology, The University Lectures of Father John Romanides, by Uncut Mountain Press.Many are of the opinion that Orthodoxy is just one religion among many and that its chief concern is to prepare the members of the Church for life after death, securing a [...]

By |2021-10-21T17:51:58-07:00September 21st, 2021|Christian Education, The Fathers Speak|Comments Off on Is Orthodoxy a Religion?

هل الأرثوذكسية دين؟

الأب يوحنا رومانيدس نقلها إلى العربية الأب أنطوان ملكيكثيرون هم أصحاب الرأي القائل بأنّ الأرثوذكسية هي واحدة من بين أديان كثيرة وأن اهتمامها الأول هو بتهيئة أعضاء الكنيسة للحياة بعد الموت، مؤمِّنَة مكاناً في الفردوس لكل أرثوذكسي.مسلّمٌ أن العقيدة الأرثوذكسية تقدّم بعض الضمان الإضافي لأنّها أرثوذكسية، وعدم الإيمان بالعقيدة الأرثوذكسية يراه البعض سبباً للذهاب إلى الجحيميُضاف [...]

By |2021-10-30T18:24:41-07:00September 21st, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on هل الأرثوذكسية دين؟

The Attributes Of The Church

by St. Justin PopovichThe attributes of the Church are innumerable because her attributes are actually the attributes of the Lord Christ, the God-man, and, through Him, those of the Triune Godhead. However, the holy and divinely wise fathers of the Second Ecumenical Council, guided and instructed by the Holy Spirit, reduced them in the ninth article [...]

By |2021-10-21T17:46:18-07:00September 21st, 2021|Christian Education, The Fathers Speak|Comments Off on The Attributes Of The Church


(From the O.C.P.M. Website)1. Be yourself.2. Be an understanding friend and a good listener.3. Be honest.4. Be consistent and dependable.5. Be willing to learn.6. Be prepared for the reality. Have a plan and follow it.7. Always be respectful of and work with the chaplain and the correctional facility administration and staff.8. Dress appropriately.9. Know and [...]

By |2021-10-30T18:25:46-07:00September 9th, 2021|Christian Education, Miscellaneous|Comments Off on PRISON MINISTRY GUIDELINES

Official Prison Guidelines for Letter Writing

Florida Department of CorrectionsFrequently Asked Questions RegardingWriting to an Inmate1. How do I write to an inmate?1. All correspondence addressed to inmates must be sent by U.S. Postal Service mail. Correspondence sent by other courier or delivery services will be refused.2. Inmates shall not be permitted to receive routine mail in padded envelopes.3. Always use [...]

By |2021-10-30T18:26:38-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Miscellaneous|Comments Off on Official Prison Guidelines for Letter Writing

شرح الوصايا العشر

القديس غريغوريوس بالاماسنقلها إلى العربية الأب أنطوان ملكي1. الرَّبُّ إِلهُنَا رَبٌّ وَاحِدٌالرب، إلهك، هو رب واحد (تثنية 4:6)، وهو معروف كآب، وابن وروح قدس. ألآب غير مولود. الابن مولود ككلمة ألآب، من غير ابتداء سرمدي وبلا هوى. لقد سُمّي المسيح لأنّه مسح من ذاته الطبيعة البشرية التي أخذها منّا. يخرج الروح القدس من ألآب، ليس بالولادة [...]

By |2021-10-21T17:45:16-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Parish and Family Life, The Fathers Speak|Comments Off on شرح الوصايا العشر

Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Orthodox Church

Economia and Pastoral Guidance by Mgr. Athenagoras Peckstadt Bishop of Sinope [1]International Congress Catholic University of Leuven (18-20 April 2005)1. INTRODUCTION The question is often asked what the orthodox position is on marriage. The answer to this question should be sought in the orthodox teaching on the “mystery or the sacrament” of marriage. We also [...]

By |2021-10-30T18:27:49-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Sacraments|Comments Off on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Orthodox Church

How To Set Up a Home Prayer Corner

We offer for your consideration the article by Serge Alexeev, and hope that in it our readers will find answers to the questions most frequently posed. The article has been abridged.• Where to place icons at home?• Which icons should you have at home?• How and in what order should you arrange your icons?Are there [...]

By |2021-09-08T20:55:38-07:00September 8th, 2021|Christian Education, Liturgical, Prayers and Practice|Comments Off on How To Set Up a Home Prayer Corner
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