Great Lent

القديس باسيليوس الكبير

+ القديس باسيليوس الكبير +المقدّمة:"أنفخوا في راس الشهر بالبوق وفي يوم احتفال عيدكم الكبير" (مز4:80). هذا أمر نبوي. أما بالنسبة لنا، فإن مقاطع إشعيا التالية تنبئ بعيد الأيام المقبلة بصوت يفوق كل بوق من حيث قوته وكل آلة موسيقية من حيث خاصيّتها.هذه الأقوال تدع جانباً الصوم اليهودي وتُظهر لنا الصوم الحقيقي على طريقته القويمة: "عندما تصومون انظروا [...]

By |2021-10-19T18:53:56-07:00October 19th, 2021|Great Lent, Liturgical, The Fathers Speak|Comments Off on القديس باسيليوس الكبير

أحد الشعانين

رَعيّـتيكلمة الراعيرسالة الشعانينلعل ما دعا الكنيسة الى اقتباس هذا الفصل لرسالة اليوم المأخوذة من الرسالة الى أهل فيليبي كلام هذا الفصل على الفرح، ذلك الذي يعطينا إياه دخول يسوع الى اورشليم الدخول الأخير. “افرحوا في الرب كل حين”. آلام السيد ليست مصدر حزن لنا وهي التي قادتنا الى الخلاص وأظهرت الخلاص في القيامة. والآلام والقيامة [...]

By |2021-09-28T16:32:49-07:00September 28th, 2021|Great Feasts, Great Lent, Liturgical|Comments Off on أحد الشعانين

أحد الأرثوذكسية – أحد الأيقونات

السلام عليكِ يا كوكباً مظهراً الشمسمن خدمة المديح الكبير لوالدة الإله الفائقة القداسةاليوم هو الأحد الأول من الصوم الكبير المقدس، الذي تخصصه الكنيسة للاحتفال بانتصارها على هرطقة محاربي الأيقونات المقدسة والتي استمرت حوالي مئتي سنة، تم فيها تدمير الكثير من الأيقونات وسحلها في الشوارع ودوسها بالأقدام وإهانتها. الكنيسة الحية بالروح القدس نهضت من جراحها وصرخت [...]

By |2021-10-30T18:11:57-07:00September 21st, 2021|Christian Education, Great Lent, Icons|Comments Off on أحد الأرثوذكسية – أحد الأيقونات

Holy Cross

On The Veneration Of The Holy Cross by Fr. Alexander Schmemann Our father, Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann, (d. 1983) was a prominent 20th century Orthodox Christian priest, theologian, and writer. He taught at St. Vladimir Theological Seminary in Crestwood, NY and at St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris, France. His writings have been very influential [...]

By |2020-07-03T10:05:39-07:00March 10th, 2012|Great Lent, Liturgical|Comments Off on Holy Cross


Word Magazine April 1989 Page 17 SPIRITUAL WARFARE by Joy Corey LENT came upon us ever so quietly and most immediately war was launched to which I became a helpless and unsuspecting victim. I had no control over the Almighty One who allowed this battle to surge. The essence of this warfare was of a [...]

By |2011-04-18T14:21:30-07:00April 18th, 2011|Great Lent|Comments Off on SPIRITUAL WARFARE


THE WORD MAGAZINE MARCH 1977 PAGE 11-13 SOME REFLECTIONS ON FASTING by John Boojamra Fasting, or more correctly, the practice of abstinence for certain days and certain periods of the year, has long caused difficulty in the minds of many Orthodox in North America. Every year, as the Easter lent approaches, Orthodox begin to wonder [...]

By |2011-04-18T14:21:30-07:00April 18th, 2011|Great Lent|Comments Off on SOME REFLECTIONS ON FASTING


Word Magazine April 1969 Page 7 SILENCE THAT SCREAMS By THE REV. FR. JOSEPH J. ALLEN Bergenfield, N.J. It is difficult and almost impossible for us to imagine in today’s world that silence is beautiful. What was possible at one time is quickly becoming extinct in all areas, but greatest amongst those disappearing elements is [...]

By |2011-04-18T14:21:30-07:00April 18th, 2011|Great Lent|Comments Off on SILENCE THAT SCREAMS


Word Magazine February 2000 Page 21 PREPARING FOR THE GREATEST JOURNEY By Very Rev. Stephen Rogers As the sharp edge of winter cuts across February with its long shadows and long cold nights, Orthodox Christians know that this time of year is the herald of Great Lent, that solemn but beautiful 40-day journey to the [...]

By |2011-04-18T14:21:30-07:00April 18th, 2011|Great Lent|Comments Off on PREPARING FOR THE GREATEST JOURNEY


Word Magazine February 1971 Page 7 THE RIGHT ATTITUDE FOR LENT by Rev. V. Berzonsky Holy Trinity Church, Parma, Ohio Before the Great Lent begins the Orthodox Church reserves three weeks in order to encourage in its members a proper mental preparedness towards the season of intense prayer, meditation and fasting. We must learn not [...]

By |2011-04-18T14:21:30-07:00April 18th, 2011|Great Lent|Comments Off on THE RIGHT ATTITUDE FOR LENT


Word Magazine March 1985 Page 21 RENEWAL AND ASCETICISM Homily By Father James C. Meena First I think it is necessary for us to understand what renewal really means before we go on to talk about asceticism. You have heard it said that Jesus Christ makes all things news. According to St. Paul “If anyone [...]

By |2020-07-03T10:07:25-07:00April 18th, 2011|Great Lent|Comments Off on RENEWAL AND ASCETICISM
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