Christian Education

A Presentation given at the 5th Biennial Parish Council Symposium 

SYMPOSIUM-CHURCH GROWTH. CHURCH SUPPORT/GIVING (TITHING)THE RESPONSIVE CHURCH IS A HEALTHY CHURCH: A HEALTHY CHURCH IS A GROWING CHURCH! A Presentation given at the 5thBiennial Parish Council Symposium by His Grace Bishop Demetri Antiochian Village, PAFriday, October 13, 2000  I.) OPENING REMARKS:On behalf of his eminence Metropolitan Phillip, Fr. Michael Massouh, the director of this Center, Mr. [...]

By |2021-09-07T16:43:02-07:00September 7th, 2021|Christian Education, Parish and Family Life, Sermons|Comments Off on A Presentation given at the 5th Biennial Parish Council Symposium 

Frequent Communion and the Tradition of the Church

From the American Carpatho-Russian Diocese website:Frequent Communion: Tradition or Innovation? Recently an article was published which stated that the frequent reception of Holy Communion and the practice of receiving Communion without going to Confession each time was unknown in Eastern Europe and was, in fact, "an American innovation. "It is, indeed, unfortunate that very often [...]

By |2021-09-07T16:29:25-07:00September 7th, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on Frequent Communion and the Tradition of the Church


A Homily by Father Alexander Schmemann + 1983As once more we are about to enter the Great Lent, I would like to remind us —myself first of all, and all of you my fathers, brothers, and sisters of  the verse that we just sang, one of the stichera, and that verse says: ‘ ‘Let us begin Lent, the Fast, with [...]

By |2021-09-07T16:15:34-07:00September 7th, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on FORGIVENESS

Pray for the Reposed

by the New Hieromartyr John of RigaThe death of people who are close and dear to us is one of the most difficult trials sent to us by the Lord God during this temporary life. There are no tears more bitter than the tears of a mother for the beloved child of her heart who [...]

By |2021-09-07T15:58:17-07:00September 7th, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on Pray for the Reposed

Understanding the Teachings of the Orthodox Church

by Reverend Thomas Fitzgerald (edited) “We knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth, for surely there is no such splendor or beauty anywhere on earth. We cannot describe it to you; we only know that God dwells there among men and that their Service surpasses the worship of all other places...”In the latter [...]

By |2021-09-06T09:26:51-07:00September 6th, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on Understanding the Teachings of the Orthodox Church

دليل الاعتراف

دليل الاعتراف* فحص النفس. * تداريب روحية.الكاتب: القمص زكريا بطرسالناشر:"إن اعترفنا بخطايانا فهو مين وعادل حتى يغفر لنا خطايان ا ويطهرنا من كل إثم"يو(19:1)مقدمةهذا مجرد دليل للاعتراف. فهناك كثيرون لا يعرفون ماذا يقولون لآباء اعترافهم. ولهذا يعتبرون الاعتراف همُّ ثقيل.وهناك البعض الذي يذهب ليعترف، وبعد أن يخرج من جلسة الاعتراف يتذكر أموراً لم يعترف بها، ويظل [...]

By |2021-09-06T09:19:50-07:00September 6th, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on دليل الاعتراف

عيد رقاد والدة الإله

عيد رقاد السيدة هو آخر عيد كبير في السنة الطقسية التي تنتهي في 31آب، ويدشّنها عيد ميلاد العذراء في 8 أيلول. ويرتكز هذا العيد، كباقي الأعياد المريمية (ماعدا البشارة) على معلومات استقتها الكنيسة من التقليد. وقد أُسس هذا العيد في أواخر القرن السادس أو أوائل القرن السابع (بين 610 و 649) بمناسبة الكنيسة التي دشنت [...]

By |2021-09-06T08:11:04-07:00September 6th, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on عيد رقاد والدة الإله

صوم الرسل

صوم الرسلان صوم الرسل موجود منذ عهد الرسل القديسين لاكرام كل من يعمل الخير وقد حافظت عليه الكنسية حتى يومنا هذا ، لانه يدخل في صلب ا لتقليد الشريف . فلا يليق بنا نحن ابناء الكنسية الارثوذكسية الذين نفتخر باننا مستقيمو الراي وقد حافظنا على التقليد الرسولي ان نذعن لتبريرنا عدم التزامنا بهذا ااصوم .فعلى [...]

By |2021-09-04T19:08:12-07:00August 26th, 2021|Christian Education|Comments Off on صوم الرسل

The Great Schism

The Great Schism The Estrangement of Eastern and Western Christendom Bishop Kallistos Ware One summer afternoon in the year 1054, as a service was about to begin in the Church of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) at Constantinople, Cardinal Humbert and two other legates of the Pope entered the building and made their way up [...]

By |2021-09-08T17:02:51-07:00May 20th, 2021|Christian Education, church history|Comments Off on The Great Schism

Do You Want to be Made Well?

Do You Want to be Made Well? A Sermon on John 5:1-9 During the early morning hours of August 29th, Hurricane Katrina was swirling off the coast of Southern Louisiana.  The call to evacuate the lower portion, including the City of New Orleans, had gone out hours before and most people heeded the call.  Those [...]

By |2021-09-04T18:45:09-07:00May 28th, 2016|Blog, Christian Education, Spirituality, Various Subjects|Comments Off on Do You Want to be Made Well?
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